[Do you have a mantra/saying that you live by? What does it mean to you?]
I live by this saying a lot. I got it from my mom; she always had it on the refrigerator. Its’ P.U.S.H. Pray until something happens. Whatever goes on, I even pray for other people, not just myself. Because sometimes I talk to other people about what they going through, and I be like, damn, you know what I'm saying, so you gotta take that into consideration when living your day to day. Just pray until something happens; just have a little faith and keep going. I just pray. It might be rough for me right now, but guess what? I'm not going to stop praying. and when you pray, the door will open up, but you better make sure you're paying attention. Step through it and don't be overwhelming; be receptive. Some people wonder about the bad, not knowing all the good stuff that's coming to them in life. You already prayed for it. You gotta pray. I might not be where I want to be, but I'm not where I used to be. So I'm cool with that. I'm in a happier space; I love the woman I'm with; I live out there, where I live; it's actually so peaceful. I'm not where I used to be. So yeah, P.U.S.H. Pray until something happens.
[What brings you the most joy]
Waking up in the morning, I'm joyful for that, and of course, my daughter Crystina. That little girl man, when she came in my life, it was a wake-up call, of course. There's a little human looking up to you now for answers. And happiness. There’s one thing I realized that brought me understanding of her. It's that I was a child myself once. Yeah, you can get mad at them, but really, just remember that you was a kid once too. You did crazy stuff too, but you gotta teach them right from wrong. I'd rather teach her. Of course, kids gonna find things out they own ways, but I'm never gonna look at it like they should already know. But yeah, like seeing her being born, I was there. That was a shock. I can go right back to that moment right now. (I just dazed off thinking about it.) It was crazy, and I can remember being in the hospital, singing her to sleep. I feel like that's why we so attached now because I been there since day 1. I know it's a lot of guys that sometimes beat themselves up about not having it financially. But always know: Just be there for your child, regardless of what’s going on just be there. Be in their lives and make sure they’re good, and all the other stuff will work itself out. It's my first time being a parent, me and her mom. As long as we can learn and come to an understanding, and we have our boundaries and things like that. As long as we keep doing that, I know Crystina will turn out fine.

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